Viewing entries tagged
davo karničar


Juhuhu, zima in led sta tu!

001_Anze_COKL_DSC02005 Foto: Primož Blaha

001_Anze_COKL_Sinji slap Dec13-31Najljubši del leta je končno napočil! Zima je prišla z velikim zamahom in postregla z dovolj nizkimi temperaturami, da se je v gorah agregatno stanje slapov že začelo spreminjati.

001_Anze_COKL_Sinji slap Dec13-50Konec tedna smo se tako z dvema svežima alpincema odpravili na njuno prvo turo v led. Ker že zadnjih n-let za prvi slap v sezoni splezam Sinjega nad Jezerskim, smo tudi tokrat odšli v te lepe konce in razbijali po ledu, čudovit zimski dan pa si začinili s pestrim in strmim sestopom.

001_Anze_COKL_Sinji slap Dec13-90

Več fotografij in obširnejši opis Primoža pa na društveni strani Freeapproved.



Kako smuča Davo Karničar?

Vsakič, ko kdo pošlje komentar k filmčku o smučanju Dava Karničarja v eni najtežjih smučarskih smereh pri nas - Fritsch - Lindenbach, sedmici! - se pošteno nasmejim. Najprej film, da si boste lažje predstavljali o čem govorim:

In sedaj še nekaj komentarjev (v angleščini):

  • While this slope is steep and is challenging. Sideslipping demonstrates absolutely zero mastery and this can not be counted as an official decent you must actually link turns for it to count. This video does demonstrate how a rookie would approach a slope that is beyond their ability level. Well he finally gets going at the very end on the possibly blue/black run out so credit for that. The title and deception are way over done the music does not mach the skiing. ONE STAR
  • That hill was extreme, his skiing it was just gay. If you can't make it look good, then you shouldn't be doing it, especially if you're putting your life on the line. Side slipping is never awesome, no matter how steep or dangerous the line is.
  • This music doesn't fit this guys pussyfoot joke of a ski decent. Just aim your skis down and go where the mountain takes you.
  • I know it extremely dangerous, and the snow looks sketchy, but he could have let it rip at least a little bit.
  • I would be cautious if I skied it too (which I can't), but cmon, that guy could ski a little faster.
  • DAMN!! it's a shame this guy climbed all this way just to side slip his way down. Pathetic.. the snow looked great to link good turns in the open spots.. let it RIP dude. LOL>.
  • I agree, this guy is not skiing at all. Sliding is more like it. I mean half of the time he has an open face without much trouble, come on man grow a pair and ski
  • 9min a 46 seconds of my life wasted! Watch Absinthe - More instead and you will see much better/faster decents!

Vsem butastim komentarjem je skupno to, da se nikomur od vrlih piscev niti sanja ne, o čem govorijo. Pač gledajo filme o "freeridu", kjer ekipa 20 ljudi vključno s helikopterji neprenehoma čaka, da rešijo kakšnega junaka, ki se zvrne čez 10  m klif v pršič.

Ampak saj je logično, ker filme vedno snemajo frontalno, kjer naklonina 30 stopinj izgleda enako kot tu, kjer Davo smuča v naklonini 60 stopinj! Dejansko ne ločijo kje je zares strmo in kje je tako strmo kot na rdeči progi vsakega smučišča. Potem pa so fantje pametni in se oglašajo s takšnimi inteligentnimi komentarji. Prav neverjetno. Pogumni kot vitezi - le jaha nihče.